Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Land of Discrimination

Well, with “The Flying Imams” settlement check probably already in the mail we now have another horrible, incredible, I cant believe it would happen in this country, they are firing up the gas chambers right now incident.

Apparently a Muslim woman in Dearborn Michigan had her prayers interrupted at a local gym (
click for scintillating story). When she went to the gym manager she was told, “You have to respect her (the patron) but she doesn’t have to respect your God” The complainant now feels humiliated and ashamed.

I can think of no valid reason why Muslims in this country should have to endure anything like what members of other religions have to put up with. Court ordered removal of every remotely tangential reference to Christianity of course breeds infinite respect for religion in the population at large.

Is it not outrageous that the American population doesn’t seem to comprehend that disrespect and removal of every aspect of one religion does not mean it is permissible to disrespect other religions?

How could decades of religious excision bring about such low regard for other religions? Astounding!

Message to Homeland Security – Set the guilt threat level to red.


Blogger rickyragg said...

An obvious violation of the Constitutional right to "Not Feel Offended, Humiliated or Ashamed".

I recommend beheading...

Oh, wait, that's the Religion of Peace - I'm confused.

It seems to me a salutary example of the 14th Amendment in action in the 21st century. The gym is a "place of exercise" not a "place to exercise one's religion".

Time, Place, Manner.

12:58 PM  
Blogger Bryan said...

You're right, Ricky. All Muslims advocate the beheading of all infidels, not just a few special interest groups. I keep forgetting.

7:39 PM  
Blogger rickyragg said...

Another "hasty generalization" huh, bryan? Well, enough of them do to get my attention; and they act on their beliefs. Don't forget stoning, amputation, etc.; all part and parcel of Shari'a law. Embrace them, grasshopper!

and about that forgetting...

...try tying a string around your neck.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Hanna said...

I agree with previous post

5:56 AM  

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