Thursday, November 16, 2006

You may be a lover but you aint no dancer:

Ok – This is a rant – You got it – A RANT – my normally good diction is not something we will apprehend here and I don’t care. No one reads this blog anywhey so what does it matter? Can you tell my fuck is a hippie?

Ok – Here is the deal – Im a right wing guy in what people normally assume is a left wing world – that of assumed sexual promiscuity – parties attended are people beaten – sexual passion expressed not as:”I love you” but as “I want you”. Filth, supposedly on display, never quite manifested because of internal conflict. I feel your pain.

All right here we go, ready?

I was reading a blog. Oh heavens forbid a right wing blog, in some respects my blog mentor

He, and everyone commenting was on about something with trans gendered people using the women’s room and that leading to rape. I was slack jawed for a few moments. Then it hit me, you just don’t get it do you?
Now I am not talking about sex change here. I don’t really care about it. If you don’t get it too bad.

Here is the lowdown – everyone is tranz, if you are a real man you are tranz.

What the hell are you talking about Rupert, you are seriously messed up, I mean what in the world are you saying? Let me explain:

As a man, would you agree that being a proficient lover is important to you? I mean, if you are rich or really tough, that establishes masculinity but if you cant satisfy…. No more masculinity right?

What to do?

Did it ever occur to you to put yourself in the woman’s place? Im not talking about being aware of the vessel you are using. Oh such coarse terms but we all understand don’t we? I am talking about BEING HER while you are inside of her? If you were it would occur to you that your filthy desires are mirrored in an equally reprobate but distinctly different biological fashion. It is different, they are “the other”, but if you can become them, then you will be them and understand and thus fulfill. To what end this fulfillment is useful, god knows. But all men and no few women kill themselves in the endevour.

Got it? If you are male and cant merge into female then you will not know what she is feeling. See the tranz thing percolating here?

Oh sure, you can ask her of her desires, but when expressing concerns of the bedroom do you really believe you are getting an honest answer? Don’t be a fool. She will never tell you, no matter how much you love her or she you. She cant say and you cant hear, you have to see it. Can you say “RED”? Of course not, it is beyond description. No one understands “RED” who has not seen it. It is the same with “the other” you have to be it.

Step back – you may not be able to understand the whole Tranz thing – but surely you can understand the advantage of seeing things from the view of “the other” In sexual matters one would think this is obvious, if you cant get it you are either obtuse or a total fool. Don’t worry though because we are all fools in this, life’s primary impetus. The funny thing is we laugh at the salmon.

Rant Ends


Break Break




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