Friday, October 13, 2006

Food Stamps in Four Hours

From the LA Times:

KMEX helps an effort to get Latino immigrants to apply for food stamps. An O.C. group takes it a step further and offers a class on how to do it.

This one just says it all. I couldn’t find a better primer on what’s wrong with our country. Some quotes:

“Advocates say immigrants, if here illegally, are also worried about being deported if they apply for food stamps.”

Well, right there you know they are talking about people who havnt been in this country too long. They still think logically, like “Gee, if I am here illegally, breaking the law, maybe it wouldn’t be too smart to try and get free stuff from all those chumps who are working”. Sadly, they will soon learn the idiocy of the American system and the abuse of the taxpayer, and profit from it!

“Other immigrants say they were simply embarrassed."The Mexican man is macho. He doesn't want to come to this country and beg," said Alfonso Chavez, the Community Action Partnership's outreach coordinator.”

God forbid we should maintain common decency, like its sort of crappy to come to a country and then go on the dole. “Hey, here I am, now I can rest and all you fools paying taxes, go out and work a little harder”

“In 2004, Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service and the Mexican Embassy agreed to jointly disseminate brochures and create the public service announcements.”

Thank you Ag department. We are so glad you are working to serve foreign nationals. Hey, if you get a chance, could you possibly spare some time to serve those who are actually paying for all this crap? I mean seriously, if you are giving away taxpayer money, is it really necessary to go and inform people “hey! Come over here to get the free crap all those idiots who pay taxes are giving you”.


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