Friday, June 02, 2006

Ted Wants a Time Out

"Oregon should call a 'timeout' for three biennium’s to restore a budget severely hurt by recession."

Apparently, under Oregon’s kicker law, taxpayers are going to get back $175 for every $1000 in personal income taxes. In other words, that’s how much the state has overcharged taxpayers. Ted wants to just go ahead and keep it.

Geee, what a great idea! This is sort of the converse of if I had underpaid my taxes and wanted to keep the difference. I love it. Here’s an idea. How about I under pay my taxes by $175 per $1000 and just call a time out for six years. You know, just keep that difference every six years and build up a rainy day fund for myself.

Hey Ted you nitwit. Everyone gets hit by a recession. Not just the state and not just your stupid programs. Everyone would like a “time out” from paying bills. Most of us learn by our second or third trip to the lemonade stand that you don’t get a “time out” from paying for things.