Friday, November 24, 2006

Doh! Its Murtha all over again

Well thank God we once again are on the path towards yet another promise of “the most ethical government ever”.

Only in the parallel universe of the Washington press corps could a party get away with this crap and still be considering the likes of Alcee Hastings to head the House Intelligence committee.

Now while it is true a jury in the trial did not convict Hastings, a panel of judges recommended the House impeach him. A year later the Senate convicted him. Mr. Hastings was removed from the bench forthwith. Three years later he was elected to the House, which probably says a little something about the jury pool in that area.

Now I think Hastings is pretty unlikely to head the Intelligence committee, but let’s face it, this is a little ridiculous. How can he even be in the running? I mean isn’t this sort of like John Murtha all over again?

Message to Nancy – This one should be pretty basic but get it straight – you can’t run on and win an election by promising ethical government and then all of a sudden realize all your top guys have bribery convictions. Got it? That only works during the election when the press will cover for you.. They can keep it up for a few months, but not two years. Got it?

Who knows what will happen, I gave up trying to figure out this stuff a long time ago. This is the party that is so great on civil rights it even has an ex Klansman in it. Honor Diversity!

To have a guy as a contender to head intelligence when he probably couldn’t pass a background check for a library card is just hilarious.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

You may be a lover but you aint no dancer:

Ok – This is a rant – You got it – A RANT – my normally good diction is not something we will apprehend here and I don’t care. No one reads this blog anywhey so what does it matter? Can you tell my fuck is a hippie?

Ok – Here is the deal – Im a right wing guy in what people normally assume is a left wing world – that of assumed sexual promiscuity – parties attended are people beaten – sexual passion expressed not as:”I love you” but as “I want you”. Filth, supposedly on display, never quite manifested because of internal conflict. I feel your pain.

All right here we go, ready?

I was reading a blog. Oh heavens forbid a right wing blog, in some respects my blog mentor

He, and everyone commenting was on about something with trans gendered people using the women’s room and that leading to rape. I was slack jawed for a few moments. Then it hit me, you just don’t get it do you?
Now I am not talking about sex change here. I don’t really care about it. If you don’t get it too bad.

Here is the lowdown – everyone is tranz, if you are a real man you are tranz.

What the hell are you talking about Rupert, you are seriously messed up, I mean what in the world are you saying? Let me explain:

As a man, would you agree that being a proficient lover is important to you? I mean, if you are rich or really tough, that establishes masculinity but if you cant satisfy…. No more masculinity right?

What to do?

Did it ever occur to you to put yourself in the woman’s place? Im not talking about being aware of the vessel you are using. Oh such coarse terms but we all understand don’t we? I am talking about BEING HER while you are inside of her? If you were it would occur to you that your filthy desires are mirrored in an equally reprobate but distinctly different biological fashion. It is different, they are “the other”, but if you can become them, then you will be them and understand and thus fulfill. To what end this fulfillment is useful, god knows. But all men and no few women kill themselves in the endevour.

Got it? If you are male and cant merge into female then you will not know what she is feeling. See the tranz thing percolating here?

Oh sure, you can ask her of her desires, but when expressing concerns of the bedroom do you really believe you are getting an honest answer? Don’t be a fool. She will never tell you, no matter how much you love her or she you. She cant say and you cant hear, you have to see it. Can you say “RED”? Of course not, it is beyond description. No one understands “RED” who has not seen it. It is the same with “the other” you have to be it.

Step back – you may not be able to understand the whole Tranz thing – but surely you can understand the advantage of seeing things from the view of “the other” In sexual matters one would think this is obvious, if you cant get it you are either obtuse or a total fool. Don’t worry though because we are all fools in this, life’s primary impetus. The funny thing is we laugh at the salmon.

Rant Ends


Break Break



Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Ok, so far it looks like I was wrong on my prediction, at least with the house. I cannot believe we are going to have to be hearing from the likes of Pelosi for at least two years. Anyway, I am looking at it this way: look at what it took for the Dems to win. They had to gin up the Foley idiocy, they had to have the press so in the tank for them it was a little ridiculous and they had to have a vastly disproportionate number of contested Republican seats as compared to contested Democratic seats. I mean the Dems did win the house, got to give them that, but I just don’t see it as quite the full validation of their views as they might. The proof will be in the pudding though at this point. If the Democrats really beleave that their taking control of the house is an endorsement of their position on Iraq, then lets see them withdraw funding for the war immediately. They have been talking the talk long enough, and now they have the power to walk the walk. I doubt very much that will happen, I think frankly they don’t give a rip about the war and will simply use it as a way to beat up on Bush for two years in an attempt to get Hillary in in 2008.

Anyway, that’s my take on the whole thing. Call me a Kool Aid drinker if you will. Frankly right about now Id gladly have a glass.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Deciphering Kerry

So what does the whole Kerry thing mean? Why is it so significant? Well, for one thing I don’t think anyone in the country believes he screwed up a joke. Why does it even matter though? It matters because for a lot of people it was a little sobering. It put things in perspective precisely because it was not at all out of character for John Kerry in particular and the Democrats in general. Remember, this is the guy who in testimony before a senate panel was willing to lie about his fellow soldiers, accuse them of torture, just to further his own political ends.

In his totally ham handed “I will not apologize” excuse, I think a lot of Americans really were slapped a little more back into sobriety. Lets face it, when Democrats are running for office, they have a long history of saying they love those who serve in uniform. Once in office it’s a different matter. This is the bunch that goes crazy over nonsense like Tail Hook. This is the party that cut defense budgets to the “non operational” level under Carter. Likewise they love the police when on the campaign trail, but the second it’s over its sit down time with the ACLU.
I think the American people saw that two-faced nature in Kerry’s remarks. He called everyone in the military uneducated and stupid, they know it and he knows it. What made for a double whammy was the usual media water carrying for the Democrats. Three weeks of Foley and this bunch buries the Kerry story in the newspapers. On TV they gave explanations for what Kerry supposedly was really trying to say. The kind of bias that we have seen in this election resonates with people. It was especially on display with the coverage of the Kerry insult. I don’t think either will help the Democrats for this little event woke up a few more people to reality. Like it or not we are in Iraq, do you really want guys like Kerry in charge?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Joke?

I guess everyone has heard the latest Kerry flap. I cant say it was a gaff because his words seemed very measured and paced, not a stumble.
But nothing beats the explanation. He botched a joke about George Bush? I mean, no way can what he said be taken as a botched Bush joke. He was clearly saying only stupid kids go into the military, the rest going on to college. What a total and complete moron. I mean does this guy know any military people? He went to Vietnam, yes, but that was really more of an 8-month photo op where he scammed some medals. Kerry has simply got to be the most politically tone deaf man in the world. Thanks John, from the right side of the aisle. I think you single handedly focused people a little more on issues rather than the Foley emails.