Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Eternal Plame; finally dimming.

So Karl Rove isn’t going to be indicted over the stupid Valerie Plame name leaking issue. The left is all in a tizzy because somehow they insist that this is a big deal and somehow put in danger the life of every CIA agent in the world.

Well – I've got some news for them. First of all, this was just about the biggest to do over nothing anyone could imagine. Want some bigger news? If you think more than 10% of the public even knows who Karl Rove is your crazy. Want to know the biggest news of all? If you think that anyone is going to believe for a minute that the left was interested in this case because Plame being outed as CIA supposedly put agents lives in jeopardy, your nuts! It was partisan idiocy from day one and anyone could see it, that is anyone who even knew who any of these people are. Those who did know the characters, knew that Plame, recommended her husband Joe Wilson to write a report on the so-called Niger Yellow cake connection. Plame had to know that her husband was totally unqualified for this job and brought a hardly impartial view to the issue. By his own admission Wilson is an avid liberal who wants Bush destroyed. By his own admission he did little but sit in the hotel lobby, drink tea and interview people. When that got to tough he simply made stuff up, as was shown later in his inconsistent (and that’s being charitable) congressional testimony.
So hopefully this idiocy is ending. Valerie Plames brief moment of fame will have ended and she will be remembered for her final actions and judgment. I doubt history will be kind if it remembers her at all. Her judgment was appalling. She sent someone to write a nonsense report in order that she could affect foreign policy. If anyone put lives at risk it was her, through that action. Thank god whatever bit of time all of us are forced to spend with her is coming to an end.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

That Stupid Constitution

“All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.” Article 1 Section 7, US Constitution.

What is the significance of this little quote? Well, it pretty much kills the Senate Immigration bill. That bill makes illegal immigrants pay three of their past five years back taxes, obviously a revenue raising measure. As an aside, I sure would like a sweet heart deal like that. What are the odds a US citizen could get away with just paying three of five years back taxes?

The Democrats response?

Well, Harry Reid thinks its simply a technical issue and can be ignored.
"If Republicans are serious about enacting comprehensive immigration reform, I've got a deal for them. All they have to do is nothing. Just let the House and Senate bills go to conference and let the conferees work their will."
Jim Manly, spokesman for Harry Reid

Wow – That’s quite a statement, ok, let’s just go ahead and ignore that silly little origination clause.

Well, who knows what will pop up next on this one. When it comes to Mexico and the left, I never look for consistency. Remember NAFTA a few years back? The left was against it. If you supported NAFTA you were against the American working man. Now? Well, I guess the working man has been thrown in the garbage and if you are against amnesty you are a racist.

Source -

Friday, June 02, 2006

Ted Wants a Time Out

"Oregon should call a 'timeout' for three biennium’s to restore a budget severely hurt by recession."

Apparently, under Oregon’s kicker law, taxpayers are going to get back $175 for every $1000 in personal income taxes. In other words, that’s how much the state has overcharged taxpayers. Ted wants to just go ahead and keep it.

Geee, what a great idea! This is sort of the converse of if I had underpaid my taxes and wanted to keep the difference. I love it. Here’s an idea. How about I under pay my taxes by $175 per $1000 and just call a time out for six years. You know, just keep that difference every six years and build up a rainy day fund for myself.

Hey Ted you nitwit. Everyone gets hit by a recession. Not just the state and not just your stupid programs. Everyone would like a “time out” from paying bills. Most of us learn by our second or third trip to the lemonade stand that you don’t get a “time out” from paying for things.