Monday, December 19, 2005

Rama is the Reason for the Season

Hey guess what? Jesus and his mom in all likelihood weren’t Hindu! Surprised? Well, guess how surprised a lot of Hindu’s were to find that the Royal Post had issued a stamp with what appears to be a Hindu Mary and Joseph. In Mary's arms appears to be a little tyke that I guess would be Jesus. Now the weird thing is that this stamp is actually a representation of an historical painting from around 1620. Now, who the hell knows what was going through some guys head in 1620. I don’t know, maybe he had a bunch of extra paint around and had to use it up? Maybe he finished the painting and someone came in and goofed on him? Maybe he was trying to multi culture it up because he had a show in Eugene, Oregon? One thing is for sure though; this is one funny ass stamp. What in the world were they thinking? Please another heapin helpin of multi-culturalism to assuage my Christmas guilt.

read more here

Saturday, December 17, 2005

A Classy Action Suit

Well lookie lookie, who is about to get their head handed to them? Why its the California legislature. This is one of the few times I really do love lawyers. It seems some are bringing a class action suite against California for providing “in state” tuition to illegal aliens but charging ”out of state” tuition to people who lived, well, out of state. Read it here.

Have you ever wondered about the logic of giving tuition breaks to people who break the law, illegal aliens, and then complaining that your government doesn’t have enough money because of what? Too many illegal aliens. Can you imagine the kind of brain it takes to think it’s a good idea to give in state tuition to illegal but deny it to out of state citizens? I don’t know about the rest of you but I find this attitude absolutely repellent.

Now I know that most out there, myself included, generally do not expect the University of California University system to be a source of much common sense. But check this out. Apparently they knew that this policy was in violation of federal law and refused to implement it unless the legislature specifically legislated that they would not be on the hook for future lawsuits. The legislature then gave them this immunity. What a bunch of nitwits. Stay on top of this one because, hopefully, it will turn out right a break the back of these idiots. Burn Hollywood Burn!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Judgment at Gilligans Island

Is anyone out there following the Saddam trial? You would think after years of being on Bush the originals case for not getting Saddam and then being on Bush the sequels case for pursuing him, there would be interest in the trial. There isn’t though and for some reason its been tweaking me. Sure MSM has lead with it for the last few days, but it’s always in this sort of sideshow carnival like atmosphere. “Saddam started a rant in court today”, “Saddam insist he will not be tried in a court with no authority”, yadda yadda, yadda. Any coverage seems to linger on these aspects for 90% of the duration with short shrift later being given to some sort of testimony regarding torture. “I watched as he put my son through a meat grinder” is heard in a heavy accent, through an interpreter, without any commentary.

Does it occur to anyone in the press that Saddam is on trial for crimes against humanity? The torture stuff is sort of relevant here. Shouldn’t the torture bits be highlighted a little rather than trying to make Saddam out as some sort of hapless buffoon? Has there ever been a despot hauled in front of a war crimes court that DIDN’T say they felt the court was invalid? Look, this man is not some sort of transplanted Alan Hale skipper from Gilligans Island. This man is a killer of the worst order. I am beginning to resent this attitude that we went to war only to remove a silly fool.

Monday, December 05, 2005

The Nobel Peace Prize - How Great an Honour

Ahh, the brilliance of the Nobel Peace prize committee. Who else but a nobel laureate could conjure up the reasoning that yes, it looks like Iran is a few months away from an atomic bomb, but negotiation is the way to solve this, not attack by Israel. In case you missed it none other than Muhammad ElBaradei spoke those words, you remember him right? That's it, you got it, him and all his buddies at the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) won the prize for all their great work in stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. Well, negotiations sure worked well in North Korea.

So what’s the right course of action? Well, I guess we can only assume that the Iranians are doing all that uranium enrichments because they are interested in alternative fuels. I mean oil is running out. Oh yeah, that’s right, I forgot, THEY MAKE 4 MILLION BARRELS OF OIL A DAY. That’s right. I looked it up. Do you know how many gallons in a barrel? It’s a lot. 4 million barrels of oil is like a gazillion gallons of gas. Every day. You know that hydrogen car fuel cell thing? Where your car is going to run on water? That’s more expensive for them. Water is more than oil over there. That’s how oil much they make. So how incredibly stupid do you have to be to think that they are enriching uranium other than to make a nuclear bomb? Well I guess Nobel Laureate stupid. Nobel prize winning Jimmy Carter stupid. That’s how stupid you have to be.

Gosh Opie, I wonder what they are going to do with the bomb? Well, lets think on that one a while. I mean there sure are a lot of real nice appetizer things at these UN cogitation sessions, so no need to come to a hasty conclusion. Ummmm, hey, I got it.. They probably don’t have cable TV in Iran and Ill bet its real boring so maybe they are going to use it for a real neat Fourth of July fireworks display? I mean that’s a few months away; maybe they will have it ready by then? Oh wait; they don’t have that holiday over there, they do Passover or something else instead I think. Hmmmm, Well, they did just elect a president who said that his number one goal was to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Maybe nuclear weapons would be good for that? Gee, I don’t know, ya think?

Boy, well that sure sounds real bad. I think Muhammad ElBaradei is right. The Israelis should just go talk to the Iranians and make nice nice. Then the Iranians will see that everything is just all sweet and peachy and that “Kill The Jews” was just something that looked good on a bumper sticker. Then I guess the Iranians will all of a sudden just flush all that investment in underground nuclear facilities down the toilet. Yep, just get rid of all of it and turn it into parking garages and strip malls because Muhammad ElBaradei went over there and talked to them. Everything will be all gumdrop land.

The thing is, that only makes sense if you are an absolute moron or a Nobel laureate. Please excuse the redundancy. After something like two years of negotiations, the Europeans got nowhere with Iran. Iran told them to go fuck themselves and unless you’re a Nobel laureate you probably already know why: because they want to destroy Israel and kill Jews. They said that’s what they want to do. They are enriching uranium and giving everyone a big "up yours!". Add it up; I know most of you out there can do it in your head. For you stupid idiotic inane dumb ass stupidest stupid head Nobel laureates, here is a calculator.