Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Its a Black Thing

Ok so now that the Katrina thing is winding down, at least as a political football, lets add up the scorecard:

1) Somewhere around 850 dead the last time I checked. That’s about the same number that died (750) in the Chicago heat wave during the Clinton presidency. All Clinton would have had to do was deliver bottled water. All Bush would have had to do was violate the law (posse comitatus) and federalize the National Guard so that they could somehow stop a hurricane I guess with a really, really big umbrella.
2) Self described “black leaders” rushed in, not to give any sort of aid, but to racialize the situation. In the midst of a tragedy, their effort was not to help people but to pit them against each other. I am quite sure most people’s reaction to their charge of racism in the prevention/relief effort was one of puzzlement. Somehow buffoons like Charlie Rangle, Al Sharpton and Randall Robinson still get airtime though. The latter even went so far as to say that blacks had sunk into cannibalism after four days. Somehow this was all whiteys fault, in particular George Bush’s.
3) Mayor Nagin of New Orleans did nothing. School buses were not sent out to get people as called for in the emergency plan that was already in place. His excuse? Its hard to get people to drive the buses when a hurricane is coming. Hey mayor, here’s a tip, the next time this happens call the same people who were driving those buses on election night. Ok, incompetent black mayor = racist white president. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
4) Governor Blanco needed a day to “think about it” when Bush asked her to please federalize the National Guard. Obviously pure racism. Clearly Bush was using his super extreme Haliburton ESP powers to psych out the governor and confuse her so she would make incompetent decisions so Bush could kill black people. That’s why he appoints competent black people to very high positions like secretary of state or national security advisor, because he hates them so much. That’s the difference between Bush and Clinton. Clinton did the right thing, never appointed blacks to high positions and spent less on the New Orleans levees than Bush. That’s why Clinton is the first black president and Bush is a racist. If this makes sense to you then you have mastered what Orwell referred to as doublethink, rationalizing two totally contradictory thoughts in your head, you would also probably qualify as a Democratic Party leader.
5) The news media made up events wholesale. Every major media outlet reported on the shootings in the Super Dome, the rape of babies etc. Turns out it was all made up. Some have charged racism here. That we would not have been so quick to believe those stories had it been white people. There might be some truth to that but the real point is: THE MEDIA MADE UP NEWS. That’s the story. Eye on the ball time here. After Rathergate and all the other crap it really is getting to the point where MSM really should have zero credibility. At this point should the New York Times or ABC news reporting something really have any more value than “it must be true, the guy at the corner store said it”? Why this convoluted effort to twist the medias motivations into some sort of national racism issue, when it is patently obvious that the news was hyped to both sell papers and to make Bush look bad. Did we see bodies being pulled from buildings during the Chicago heat wave? Of course not, Clinton was president.
6) Global warming caused the hurricane. Bush is particularly responsible because he did not sign the Kyoto protocol according to one of the Kennedy idiots. Deep breath time, there really are people out there who are so self centered that they actually believe this. In their minds, history begins with them. The world has never seen it unless they have. Of course they have no concept that disastrous hurricanes have been fairly regular periodic events throughout history.

So lets analyze all this from the lefts point of view and assess the score. Bush engineered the hurricane to kill black people through global warming. The incompetent leadership at the local level bears no responsibility for the response. The media made up a bunch of stories to destroy Bush and gets off with no recriminations. Black leaders through their hat in to stir up as much hatred as possible, anything to score political points. Bush is the bad guy?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

What’s it all about? Al-bie?

This might be a hard one for some to read. I know its not exactly a popular topic. What’s really been irking me lately though is the latest off course veering of the Bush administration. Namely, going hog wild over porn, or so it seems.

In the interest of full disclosure I should probably mention that am I involved in the adult industry. I sell adult products, not videos, oriented towards the SM market, through my web site. As the principle photographer, in the eyes of some I might be a pornographer. I am also probably the biggest Bush supporter out there.

Attorney General Albert Gonzales seems to be trying to put together an
enforcement unit within the FBI to prosecute pornography distributors. Not child porn or anything like that, but simply regular old porn, specifically porn with Sado-masochistic themes. Now obviously I have a vested interest in this matter but to me this waste of resources is astounding.

With a backdrop of no end in site to the war on terror, a war me must win, can we afford this use of FBI agents time? Somehow we have no resources to pursue something the country is virtually united on as a major problem: illegal immigration. No will to follow up on things like the Able Danger revelations, or put any serious dent in drug trafficking. However we do have resources to put together a squad to make sure no one sees an image of large breasted women wearing handcuffs or cracking whips. It is one of the Attorney Generals “top priorities” quotes the Washington Post. We somehow have money to prosecute obscenity, something that for most people is hard to even define let alone say exactly when it becomes criminal.

Now I know some of you might not like porn. I know how annoying it is to get constant Spam about Debbie’s teen fantasies and the like. I get them to and they are certainly annoying. However I do feel that the excuse of “Im worried about my children, I don’t want them seeing that crap on the Internet and whoa is me they know so much more about computers than I do” is wearing a little thin. Frankly I think if you provide your child with a computer it is up to you to supervise your child. If you cant figure out how to check the “no adult content” box in your Norton Internet security, then don’t let them have a computer. If you are not up to the task of figuring out this stuff then you have no business getting your kids a computer. If they need it for school and you cant take five minutes, or half a day, to understand how to turn on the parental lock, then that is a case of laziness and nothing more.
I know more than a few people wished that pornography were banished from the planet. That it didn’t exist. That it’s a vice or degrading or whatever. That’s fine. However you don’t have a right to not be offended. I can promise you, I am every bit as offended by people who come to my door or accost me on the street and insist that I am somehow morally deficient because I do not subscribe to whatever religious sect strikes their fancy. That doesn’t mean that I try and ban religion. It doesn’t mean that I am allowed to run around saying anyone who is involved with religion is trying pervert my kids. It means it is another obnoxious aspect of life and I have to deal with it. It’s the same thing with porn. There is a reason why virtually every hotel out there now features it on pay per view: a sizable proportion of adults like it from time to time. There is also a reason why you teach your kids that they are not allowed to call down to the front desk and order a movie or two. Most people accept that responsibility and don’t freak out that there is a TV in the room capable of showing naked people doing it. Same thing with your computer. Figure out the child lock and use it. It’s your responsibility. It is not societies responsibility to move everything down to the level of a child.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

New Orleans - The Scum also Rises

Once again I am amazed at how low some people will go. I think I am at the point where, for me, the term civil rights leader is starting to mean a self-indulgent charlatan who somehow has obtained a pass from the media to say the most outrageous, disgusting and reprehensible things.

I am speaking, of course, of something that I am quite sure had never even entered the thoughts of the vast majority of Americans out there: the idea that somehow New Orleans got short changed on assistance with the hurricane because the majority of its citizens are black. When I first heard this theory myself I was flabbergasted. It had never dawned on me that anyone could possibly make this into a racial issue. I forget, however, that I don’t think like those people, the professionally indignant class, and the race baiters. I don’t make a living out of spewing the vilest racist garbage and somehow building myself up in the process. The latest purveyor of this idiocy is Randall Robinson. You can read his words here on the link below they are outrageous:

There was a time in this country when use of the word “nigger” was somewhat commonplace. We are now in a time where not only is it considered virtually unmentionable, but the vast majority of people dismiss anyone who uses it out of hand. I am quite sure some of you were even surprised to see I typed it out rather than writing “the n word”. I would like to get to this point with people like Randall Robinson. There is no one in the KKK who has a regular column in a major newspaper that I am aware of. Society has said, thanks, but no thanks, we really would prefer not to hear from you. I wish we could get to the same point with people like Randall Robinson. His actions are vile. He seeks self-aggrandizement through righteous indignation. Piety. He sees racism in everything and feels superior to others because he can point it out. He doesn’t care if he has to demean his entire country in the process; all is to be sacrificed so that he can feel righteous. It is pathetic. Mr. Robinson is not a leader of any kind. He is someone who somehow has gotten through life without recognizing that righteous indignation is one of the few emotions that never lets you down. You can always call it forth. It will always make you feel better in your own mind because you are more pure, more just. Somehow, most of us recognize this trap by the time we leave our mid twenties. That tearing down other people to make one feel good is wrong. That all that moral virtue we had was an illusion; it was piety, not purity. It was arrogance mistaken as wisdom. Sadly, Mr. Randall is far beyond his twenties and still has not learned this. Maybe it is time for those of us who have to say to him and others like him “Please sir, go away. You aren’t virtuous you are inane. Find another way to feel superior, but don’t disparage me or my country to do so”.

In my fondest dream all the race baiters are self-exiled to a small island because no one will listen to their droning anymore. There they sit, cheating each other at cards and vying for whom among them is the most virtuous. Their incessant muttering, as they shuffle the deck, about who did them wrong annoying each other to the point where their faces screw up, year after year getting more distorted. Then they can sit and look at each other and see how ugly they truly are on that little island, removed from all of us.