Bible Thumpers and Rush's Kitty
So this afternoon I was driving around in my car wondering how much gas would cost the next time I went to the pump and I veered once again into day dreaming about the religious left. This thought was prompted by yet another hurricane setting its sites on the Florida coast. To be specific it seemed to be headed straight toward Rush Limbaugh’s house wherein, according to Rush, he was huddling down with his kitten to ride out the storm. Apparently the kitty doesn’t travel well and Rush couldn’t bear to abandon it. This picture struck me as somewhat hilarious but also made me wonder a little. Where is the religious left? Hurricanes are hitting Florida, as they do every year, but there is none of the usual global warming cacophony. I’m resentful; usually these nitwits can be counted on, with their dire predictions etc. every year around this time. They come as regularly as, well, hurricane season. It’s the one pick me up in an otherwise dull month for me. Its hot, business is always slows this time of year, and the dogs incessant flea scratching drives me crazy. The one thing I have to look forward to is the global warming zealots and their holier than thou attitude.
Why are these people so entertaining to me? I think it’s the absolute disconnect from circumspection while at the same time insisting that they are the true people of science and reason. Generally these people tend to come from the secular progressive side of the tracks. I have met none who have ever struck me as hard-core bible thumpers but when I explain to them that in my eyes they are exactly that they become very puzzled. The bible thumper stands on a corner and says with absolute conviction in his heart that if you don’t accept Jesus, you are going to hell. What about some kid in Mongolia? Still going to hell if they never heard of Jesus? Yep, going to hell! Obviously this is ludicrous and it is nothing but self indulgent for one to think they are qualified to make such a proclamation. The bible thumper will say it is not he who is making the decision, but God, through his words in the bible. Have you ever met one of these guys? Have you ever met a single one who ever struck you as having studied ancient Greek or Aramaic? Neither have I, yet they feel it is fully within their power to interpret a translation of the bible (which is an accounting by mortal man of Gods word, its real third hand by the time you get to the Random House paper back edition most of these guys have). In fact nine times out of ten the kind of person making these pronouncements is not interested in saving anyone at all. He is interested in making himself feel good, powerful, in the know with a hot line straight to the almighty.
To me it’s the same thing with the Global warming fanatics. I’ve asked them, repeatedly, do you really honestly and truly think it is that odd that hurricanes are hitting Florida this time of year? Do you really feel it’s getting hotter every year? The scientists who predict global warming say its something like 1 degree in 100 years, you cant feel that. Are you sure that the reason for the warming is anthropogenic (man made)? Oh yes they will say, all the top scientists say that. Have you read any of the studies? No, they will say. Yet they still have the smugness and arrogance of the bible thumper. Their hotline may be to somewhere other than the Christian god but they are expert on the eschaton nonetheless.
OK – So let me get this straight. Even if one accepts that global warming is taking place, to prove it is anthropogenic is a huge leap. You want an entire reordering of society for something that may very well be a natural phenomenon. You make fun of anyone who thinks it might be a little premature to cripple our economy based on your reasoning. You call me stupid or crazy, yet you have not even read any of the studies. Now, given that the bible thumper has quite probably read some sort of translation of the bible, and you mock him, why should I not mock you? Does your bible consist of evening news sound bites and anecdotal evidence? Why should I trust you when in the 70’s the same people were crazed about global cooling? Why do so many who believe this stuff seem to live in NYC, San Francisco and LA.? Wouldn’t they be moving to higher ground if they really believed it? What foolishness. At least the millennium crazies ( remember when all the computer clocks somehow weren’t going to switch over from 1999 to 2000? Wasn’t that the last time we were all going to die?) acted on their convictions. I tangentially know a few who did build bomb shelters. I’d make fun of them to but they tend to still have the guns stock piled. Anyway, if I hear “the overwhelming scientific consensus is” one more time, when it is manifestly untrue I think I will puke. Now I’m gonna get a little kitty and see if I can go hang out with rush.
OK – You made it to the bottom of this; here is a really cool link:
*stops sipping his soy mocha latte*
You mean, it's all just a lie?
Have we been opposing all development, human progress, and yes, the human race itself for nothing? You dare to compare tree huggers with those dirty fundamentalist Christian conservatives?
*Real Daniel walks into room*
"Hey, what are doing on my computer?"
*Sound of hitting*
"ow, ow, ow"
Now what were you saying Mr. Huse?
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