Monday, August 15, 2005

We miss you Karl Rove

I never thought Id long to see that name in the news again. After what seemed to be an interminable period over what has to be the biggest non-story of my life, the Valerie Plame name leakage incident, I now long for those days. Recent events down in Crawford have made that story seem positively news worthy. Who the hell is this woman whoring her son’s death for a second sit down with the president? If you look closely you will see clear as day. Its none other than Linette ( aka Squeaky ) Fromm, of Manson family fame. The resemblance is incredible although I would have to tilt the scales in Squeakys direction in any evaluation of sanity. Anyway back to dear Karl. What the hell was that all about? Democrats were apoplectic about this breech of security for releasing some desk jockeys name. Did this even pass the laugh test for anyone? Are these the same people who never raised an eyebrow when Sandy Berger (Clintons national security advisor) was caught red handed sneaking top secret documents out of the National Archives in his socks? The central question remains not who leaked Valerie Plames name, no one gives a rip about who the hell she is. Equally dull is the attempt at being the Christ like sacrificial lamb by the reporter who went to jail rather than reveal her source. The big question is, why did the CIA need to get someone from the State Department, Plames husband Joe Wilson, to go and investigate whether Saddam Hussein had sought uranium in Niger. Isn’t that basically at the core of what the CIA does? Wouldn’t it be job one at the CIA to have people who went around checking to see if the lunatics of the world were buying Uranium? I guess that question will never be answered and all we have now is a bunch of sun addled kooks camped outside of the Crawford ranch to watch. It’s going to be a long August.


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