So What’s UP in Gaza?
I’m trying to piece this together: A success for the US in Iraq is still very much a toss up. Iran is still pursuing atomic weapons and last time I checked no one in the mid east popped up recently and tried to make nice nice with Israel. Why then, did Ariel Sharon, the inventor of the settlement program, do an about face and start the pullout from Gaza? It makes no sense. Do Hamas all of a sudden seem more reasonable? Yesterday, when the withdrawal started Hamas announced that this was proof that their violent tactics worked. They vowed to continue them now in the West Bank. This sort of statement from them is not exactly unexpected, but why total capitulation by Israel with this kind of thing being said? I have my suspicions and before I voice them I would like to make clear: they are entirely my own and based purely on conjecture. To me it is the only logical thing that makes sense.
I think that behind closed doors the Israelis are pissed off. The Europeans are handling the Iranian situation. Everyone knows how they dealt with Saddam under the Oil for Food program. These guys would sell out their own mother for a buck. Along with that the Israelis are scared to death public opinion here will result in a pull out from Iraq. What happens then? The Iranians, who are funding most of the terrorists in Iraq, will walk right in. Iran will then have a real nice nuclear program with more than enough oil revenue to fund it. George Bush is hoping for a win in Iraq but, after the WMD fiasco, knows he can’t go in and start bombing Iran. Nothing short of an Iranian nuke test above New York City would satisfy the doe eyed good vibes crowd in the US now. The Israelis want to start cleaning house now, before it’s too late and the US pulls out of Iraq or Iran pops up with a nuke. Bush is holding them back because he knows if the Israelis start action now, all hell will break loose. It will be seen as a heavy Western/Israeli hand in the region and world opinion would be less than helpful. We would face a more suspicious public in Iraq; we would be seen much more as agents of Israel than we are even now. I think Bush has made a bargain with Sharon - Make one last full-fledged attempt to deal with the Palestinians. Give them everything they want so that no one can deny that you gave peace every chance. If they still will not give up terrorism, then all bets are off, do what you want.
It’s a pretty scary scenario, but the only one that I can see as possible. Why are the Israelis trying to acquire so many bunker buster bombs if not to deal with the Iran threat? Surely they wouldn’t be stocking up on arms if they truly saw capitulation as the road to peace? They sure aren’t much use against a guy wearing dynamite in the town square. I think the Israelis are relying on the Palestinians to uphold the PLO motto one last time - “never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity”.
I’m trying to piece this together: A success for the US in Iraq is still very much a toss up. Iran is still pursuing atomic weapons and last time I checked no one in the mid east popped up recently and tried to make nice nice with Israel. Why then, did Ariel Sharon, the inventor of the settlement program, do an about face and start the pullout from Gaza? It makes no sense. Do Hamas all of a sudden seem more reasonable? Yesterday, when the withdrawal started Hamas announced that this was proof that their violent tactics worked. They vowed to continue them now in the West Bank. This sort of statement from them is not exactly unexpected, but why total capitulation by Israel with this kind of thing being said? I have my suspicions and before I voice them I would like to make clear: they are entirely my own and based purely on conjecture. To me it is the only logical thing that makes sense.
I think that behind closed doors the Israelis are pissed off. The Europeans are handling the Iranian situation. Everyone knows how they dealt with Saddam under the Oil for Food program. These guys would sell out their own mother for a buck. Along with that the Israelis are scared to death public opinion here will result in a pull out from Iraq. What happens then? The Iranians, who are funding most of the terrorists in Iraq, will walk right in. Iran will then have a real nice nuclear program with more than enough oil revenue to fund it. George Bush is hoping for a win in Iraq but, after the WMD fiasco, knows he can’t go in and start bombing Iran. Nothing short of an Iranian nuke test above New York City would satisfy the doe eyed good vibes crowd in the US now. The Israelis want to start cleaning house now, before it’s too late and the US pulls out of Iraq or Iran pops up with a nuke. Bush is holding them back because he knows if the Israelis start action now, all hell will break loose. It will be seen as a heavy Western/Israeli hand in the region and world opinion would be less than helpful. We would face a more suspicious public in Iraq; we would be seen much more as agents of Israel than we are even now. I think Bush has made a bargain with Sharon - Make one last full-fledged attempt to deal with the Palestinians. Give them everything they want so that no one can deny that you gave peace every chance. If they still will not give up terrorism, then all bets are off, do what you want.
It’s a pretty scary scenario, but the only one that I can see as possible. Why are the Israelis trying to acquire so many bunker buster bombs if not to deal with the Iran threat? Surely they wouldn’t be stocking up on arms if they truly saw capitulation as the road to peace? They sure aren’t much use against a guy wearing dynamite in the town square. I think the Israelis are relying on the Palestinians to uphold the PLO motto one last time - “never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity”.
Gaza is a difficult place for Israel to defend. (and expensive) I don't think that's an excuse, you must do what's right even when it's difficult, but that figures into the reasoning.
Second, this is a conciliatory gesture. Usually I would say that a good faith effort never hurts but in this case I think that it's foolhardy. The majority of the world, and certainly the entire region, will hate Israel and the Jews regarless. However, this is a "moral high ground" gesture.
Off topic:
I'm glad to see your blog and I enjoy your comments. I'm also humbled that you put mine as the "blog that inspired you." I will be linking to you tonight.
Also, many of us conservative Oregon bloggers are very excited over the candidacy of Jason Atkinson. We may coordinate a uniform post of endorsement for him and I hope that you will participate.
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